Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Making new connections...

 Today I focused on making new connections ad this is important if you want your business to continue to grow. I am constantly trying to meet new people and looking for people who are interested in doing something different with their lives.I will talk to anyone and everyone I don't care if you are the janitor or the CEO of the company I will respect you and give you my time and attention. There are people that will look at some people and put them into a box and say something like "They do not look like they would be interested in what I am doing" . I cannot stand that philosophy, how do you know what they are going through and you are judging them just by how they look. I have talked to people that are pumping my gas and have turned out to be huge assets to me and helped me grow my business so my advice is to talk to EVERYBODY!  Also the quicker you get all the NO'S out of the way you are on your way to the YES'S!

  It is so hard for some people that I work with to go up and talk to a stranger or even talk to their own family and friends about what they are doing. This is seriously terrifying to many people and a huge problem in moving forward at work or in personal business ventures. I used to be very shy and had to work on overcoming that and some people might say now that I am to outgoing, HaHa. There are many different ways to work on this and continue to grow and get better at approaching people and speaking in public . I recommend this article as well it has solid advice and works-

   Until you are better at speaking to people in public there are other ways to make new connections and the way social media is set up now you really never would have to meet anyone in person if you did not want to. I feel it builds a stronger bond and a more personal touch when you meet in person, now I do have people  work with in my network that I have not met in person YET! They live in other states or countries and we have not had the chance to meet in person yet but we have developed a solid working and personal relationship  through email,social media and phone calls. Just to hear someones voice builds a better connection than reading emails or messages from Facebook. I reach out to people all the time just to check in and let them know I am here, even if they do not pick I leave a quick message. It is an easy thing to do and does not take long to let people know you care and are a real person.

  Earlier today I met with my girlfriend's best friend and explained to her what I do and showed her how easy it is to set up her own programs and start making an extra income. We met for over an hour and she was taking notes and I think I talked for an hour straight, I had said before I  tend to ramble.
 Especially when it is something I am passionate about I can go on and ON AND ON, there is no off button. She was taking notes and I had to slow down a little so she could catch up and get all the notes that she wanted. That is what I love to do and a few months from now when she is doing her own thing and has built a successful base and thanks me that puts the BIGGEST smile on my face. I just enjoy watching someone take the information that I share and using that to build what they want. That is a great joy to see someone build something from the bricks that you gave them and watch their life change directions  and gain financial freedom and be able to do whatever they want.

 For me helping someone else realize the potential that they have inside them that is going unused  and they can channel that into building their dreams, is just pure pleasure for me. I think most people would love to be able to help people if they could and feel great about it. So I encourage you to help someone else improve the quality of their life, I mean invest some time in another person and help them grow. You may have skills that you can teach or a business that you feel would really help someone so reach out to them. MAKE IT A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!

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