Thursday, February 12, 2015


 Well after a period of time off due to helping other people ( been working like crazy to help others build their business and get what they want out of LIFE!)   and technical problems, let me say that as far as internet service goes Comcast has to have THE WORST customer service. Okay, enough of that on to the more important stuff. Making the most of today and getting what we want out of LIFE!

 As I said earlier I have had a ton of experience  in many different fields and various opportunities. So from all that I have learned what works and what does not work for me and help people format a plan that will work for them. I do not claim to be an expert of any kind, just dispensing my knowledge in any area that I have personally experienced.

  There are many different types of people in this world and you cannot help everyone and I have realized  that when trying to reach out to people. I have friends and family that have stopped talking to me because I have tried to pitch every single opportunity that I was involved in. Some of you out there know exactly what I am talking about when family and friends do not take your calls or avoid you at events. Yeah I definitely know that feeling and as I was going through so many opportunities I look back now and understand why they did what they did. Now that I have solid opportunities that I am involved with some of them still choose not to have any part of it, and some have approached me and said "it seems like things are working for you, what are you doing now?". There will always be some people that will never get the picture. No longer do we live in a society where there is one income in the household and the breadwinner goes off to work from 9-5 and works for the same company for 30 years and retires with a pension and a gold watch.
       In my 42 years on this planet I have seen major changes in the way people look at work or a JOB (Just Over Broke) No longer are you guaranteed a nice job after you graduate from college, the only guarantee is that you will have huge student loan payments that will not go away. The proof for me in this is that I have waited tables or loaded trucks or worked in many different areas with people that have college degrees in all areas, philosophy ,education,business, criminal justice and these are degree's at all levels associate's, bachelor's, master's and doctoral levels. So there was a shift in the traditional road map of High School, College, Career, heck I did not even graduate High School.  From a young age I knew I did not want to work for someone else and help them build their dream while not pursuing my own. So I engaged with people on that same path and have run across a very wide cast of individuals. One thing that I learned is that the people that are truly happy and successful work for themselves. I mean how can you be really happy when you have to set your alarm to go to a JOB when you are told to be there, when to eat, what your time is worth to them, what days you have to be there, when you can vacation, what to wear, and all the other rules that go along with that.
        Do not get me wrong I have met people that truly love their job and what they do. They are completely happy being a cook at a restaurant or cleaning a warehouse and I do not knock these people, I just wanted more out of life and did what I could to find out how to achieve that. I mean to me the true meaning of success is to love what you are doing, and that may mean that you are not making a million dollars but you love it and that is what counts.
       So as I post I will be sharing my experience and what I have tried and what did not work for me and what did work for me. And from that you can take away some ideas that may help you and shorten the distance between where you are now and reaching your goals. 
          Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. –Napoleon Hill

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