Monday, February 16, 2015

This weather is crazy....


 So I go to get in the car this morning and the temperature gauge tells me it is 1° yeah that is just crazy. I was up very early to go start a new temp job at a local factory. I will go get a temp job every few months to meet some new people and make new contacts to expand my network .I will be honest and tell you that I did think about calling them and telling them I would not be able to make it in, wanted to go back in side and get under the covers and snuggle with my honey. But I did meet her on one of these temp jobs that I took on and she has been the greatest woman to ever come into my life ,so I thought I better go because good things can happen. I may meet someone that truly needs my help and they have no idea where to turn to. I would not want to miss out on an opportunity to help someone get ahead  in life and be able to give up a job that takes so much time away from their family and friends and does not allow them to live life to the fullest.

  The job that I worked this morning was in a giant warehouse that handles all the shipping and returns for a major cable TV company. It always amazes me when I go into theses places and see how the entire process works, when you make  your phone call and order cable service the whole process starts where a ticket is sent to a computer and is printed out and a worker goes and selects the products that you want, it is checked for quality and then shipped out to the customer. It was my first day along with 7 other people and they had us start making boxes, which seems to be a common task in all the warehouse's I have been in on the first day. We made boxes for a few hours and then we were placing labels on boxes for returns where the box would be shipped to the customer and they place everything inside and ship it back. After that I got to watch the selection process and was told I was going to be trained on that and it was the best position to have in that department

 Throughout the day I talk to everyone and ask as many questions as I can, I not only like to meet new people and make connections I like to find out what it is that they have to do everyday while at this job and how long they have been there and people tend to open up and share their story with me. I want to find people that could use my help and are willing to make changes to have a better life style. I have come across people that found out what I was doing because  someone at that particular job I was at that day knew who I was and what I did. and they would approach me and ask for help. But they would ask for help with a car payment , rent or whatever the case may have been but they did not want to do anything to get it. They wanted a handout and it always reminds me of a great quote -
"give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"

  I am a big fan of helping someone out but if you do not want to make changes in your life and just want to try and get handouts and not make something of yourself, I am not down with that. I will bend over backwards to help you and show you what I know and the way you can do the same thing. I have had people actually take offense with me because I would not pay rent or make a car payment, and I would hear things like " Well you got it" " You doing good" and this always upsets me because if I am willing to show you how to do it and then you can go and help someone else out but refuse to because I already did it and should just give it to you. I have friends that no longer speak to me because' I ACT ALL BRAND NEW"  well I guess they were not real friends.

 The people that I have helped and they send me card or a random text just to say THANK YOU, thank you for showing me the way to get control of my life and give me freedom. That puts the biggest smile on my face knowing that I was able to help someone make changes that will affect all the people around them in a positive way and they can go on and help people.
 I guess that is my biggest goal to show people that there is a better way and show them how they can achieve what they want in life and go on to show other people  how to do the same thing. A giant ripple effect of people being affected in a positive way and getting to enjoy life on their own terms.

 At the end of the day it is not about making a million dollars it is about making enough to live the life you want. I know someone that lives on a beach and loves to surf everyday and he is living his dream he has a small job that pays his bills and leaves him enough to pay for all his needs. He will take on odd jobs if there is something extra he wants or take a trip. He is completely content with his life, that is what it is all about. I talk a lot about the ways that I make money  and all the business opportunities that I get involved in because that is me, I want more out of life and money allows me to do that, I use it as a tool . I do not let the money control me and I am not motivated by it I am motivated by the freedom it gives me and what it allows me to do for my family and friends. Do not let money consume you and be a controlling force in your life it does not have to be that way. Find out what it is that you want out of life and determine what amount of money you will need for that and get your game-plan together. MAKE IT A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!

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