Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Thinking of the beach...

  Today I spent a large part of my day working on many different things working from home and thinking about how much I miss the beach. I have had it with this cold weather and the snow I am so over it. I have to convince my girlfriend to move to California and get away from this crazy weather. I think once we get there she will get used to it real quick and want to stay, so I am am working on a plan to get her out there to visit. Her brother is here visiting from Puerto Rico and he said the other day that this weather is ABUSE, he does not know how we deal with it. And that stuck in my head and  I feel he is right it is like abuse when you walk outside and the wind is so harsh that it feels like it is slicing your face off when it blows and tears up your eyes and steals your breath. I no longer want to endure these Pennsylvania winters and want to head to the west coast and enjoy the weather all year round.

 Do not get me wrong I do like to ski,snowboard and take the kids sledding or tubing and it brings back great memories from childhood when I did all that.I have many fond memories of sledding for hours and not wanting to come in from the cold even though I was turning blue, I think many of us did not want to come inside when we were told and now I take a second to think if I really need to make that trip to the store now or can it wait because I do not want to go outside in this.But I want to be able to go do that and have fun and leave when we are done and not have to get up and shovel the sidewalk or scrape ice off the car, you know what I mean. This entire month has been a very cold one and we are nearing the end of February so I should not have to endure the cold weather here much longer.

 So I will start working in my plan to get my love out to California and showing her all the great things the state has to offer. She loves to shop so I think the malls alone will do it for her and the fact that she can wear cut little sundresses and shorts all year long, yeah I will get her out there. My Son and I took a trip out two summers ago to attend a music festival and it was his first time out there and he did not want to come back. We stayed in  Mountain View, California to be close to the  Shoreline Amphitheatre where the concert was. We had a blast and there were 69 different acts at the event and we got to see so many of them.
 There were classic acts from when I was growing up and some new school stuff so it was a great show for a mix of people. My Son and I commented how we were at such a large event with tens of thousands of people both days and did not see one single fight and there was tons of drinking , it may have had something to do with marijuana being legal and smoked freely at the show. I want to think it is just the California vibe and people are a lot more laid back and not so uptight. We were taking a little break to charge our phones at one of the charging stations they had place all over and my Son made a comment about some guys garlic fries, he said "WOW they smell great" and the guy said" here man have some I cannot eat all these" and that is something we were not used to and that was the vibe the entire time we were there, whether it was waiting in line to get in and people were offering us drinks they had in their cooler or fries. It is just so laid back and we loved and talk about going back all the time and we will be going back.
Me an Lil Robo in front of  AT&T Park

The street right near Little Italy in San Fransisco

Me and Robert in front of  Barry Bonds plaque at the stadium
Robert and Optimus Prime
Chinatown, San Francisco

The Bay bridge in San Francisco
A shot near the pier in San Francisco

Robert near the Bay bridge in San Francisco

Some seals getting some sun down at the docks in San Francisco

Lombard Street

Pier 39, great area

A huge bow and arrow near the Bay bridge

The FULL HOUSE house in San Francisco
Trolley ride

Fisherman's wharf

This was on a playground in San Fransisco, if you know this game let me know.

San Francisco

Fillmore st.


Robert on Lombard St.

Tony chilling down by the pier

Crowd at the opening of Rock the bells, Tony is in the Kung Fu hat

Lil Robo and Tony

Me and Robert

Me and Tony

Me and Krayzie Bone

Robert and Krayzie Bone

The Hip Hop stage at Rock The Bells

Guerilla Union stage

Rock The Bells


Young Dirty Bastard

Robert hanging out
Young Dirty Bastard and Robert

Me and Young Dirty Bastard

Some baby clothes

Tech N9ne


Deltron 3030

YG on the Guerilla Union stage

Freddie Gibbs

Tech N9ne and Krizz Kaliko

Tommy Lister AKA- Debbo from Friday

E-40 and TOO SHORT

Packed house

Random graffiti from the train
The place was jam packed
The Monster truck was giving out free energy drinks
Me caught off guard
Dilated Peoples
Young Dirty Bastard
More Graffiti
Sign from the Cal train
My girl
Robert relaxing on Lombard st.
Robert and Me, Alcatraz Island in the far back

Robert in the America's Cup.


Me in the America's Cup

Tony is a G

Tony and Robert in front of a trailer made from skate decks

Robert at the entrance to Chinatown

Me at the entrance to Chinatown

Tony at the entrance to Chinatown

Sunset on Lombard St.

Trolley ride

We kept taking pictures with motorcycles because there were just so many

Tony posing with some bikes

Robert chilling with some homies

The Monster pick up in downtown San Francisco

America's cup

Me in front of that house

Alcatraz model

Me at the park across from FULL HOUSE

Tony chilling

San Francisco

Met a real nice lady

Tony in front of the FULL HOUSE house

Deebo and Me

 We had so much fun and got to see so much, we cannot wait to go back to the same area. You could spend a few days alone just down by the pier in San Francisco and not get bored. We walked from one end all the way down to the other and still did not get to see everything that we wanted to. I highly recommend a trip out there and take in all that you can you will not be disappointed. We have a list of other places we want to go and will be posting about those trips and telling you what we think. I always say how thankful I am for making the choice to take charge of my life and work for my self I also recommend that to EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will love the freedom to be able to do whatever you want and live life on YOUR own terms. I am here to help in ANYWAY I can, so decide what it is that you want and GO AFTER IT! MAKE IT A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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