Sunday, February 1, 2015

A little about me..

 Well I guess I will start by saying that the reason behind me starting this blog is to try and communicate with people and share my life experience. I want to let people know that no matter how rough it gets or how it seems like you are losing ground and not going anywhere, NEVER, NEVER, EVER GIVE UP! “Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”
      Winston Churchill .
 The problem, often not discovered until late in life, is that when you look for things in life like love, meaning, motivation, it implies they are sitting behind a tree or under a rock. The most successful people in life recognize, that in life they create their own love, they manufacture their own meaning and they generate their own motivation. For me, I am driven by two main philosophies, know more today about the world than I knew yesterday. And lessen the suffering of others. You’d be surprised how far that gets you. As I walk along this path in LIFE'S journey I have realized many things over the years and learned so many valuable lessons. I will tell you that I have been all the way down at the bottom and could not see any light and rose from the ashes and made it to the top only to lose it all and be knocked all the way back down. And believe me this has happened multiple times to me in my lifetime. That is why this time around I am applying all the lessons I have learned and will make sure that I stay focused on what is important to me and keep MY EYES ON THE PRIZE!
 There were many obstacles that threw me off my course and some were my own fault and others were circumstances I welcomed in. I have given so much energy to things and people that were sucking the positive life force out of me and today I refuse to do that any more. I had a very rough childhood and carried a lot of that baggage over into adulthood and allowed it to drag me down for so long. I think that there are many of us that allow our past to haunt us far to long and continue to make excuses for our present situation. Oh well I drink too much because my parents did and that is the only way I know how to escape what I am trying to deal with. There has to come a point in our lives where we accept responsibility for our own actions and not allow the past to dictate our present day situation. I am not going to get into all the deep stuff that I went through on here, but if you want to truly understand how dark and painful it was for me check out my website at - / and read my blog there. That goes into all the details of my complete journey. I want to keep things uplifting and positive here. I want to be a motivational force to help propel a change in your thought process and show that there is a better way to live.
  I have tried so many different ways to make it work in this life. Those that know me personally will tell you that I have worked at over 100 different jobs, I have tried just about every Multi-Level Marketing company you could think of. I worked at just about every restaurant and fast food place you could name from McDonald's, Outback, Chili's, Red Lobster, Olive Garden, fine dining establishments to the greasy spoon diner, and I worked at every position . I worked as a cook, as a bus boy, as a bartender, as a waiter, as a manager, as a host I did it all in the restaurant business. And I also lived that lifestyle that happens to most people when working in that type of environment, lots of late nights partying and up early to do it all over again. Those of you in the business know what I am talking about, when you walk to your first table of the day sweating tequila, OH YEAH! I have worked on all levels of warehouse work from selecting and packing food products in a giant freezer to driving forklift and loading trucks. I was a warehouse supervisor who oversaw an entire warehouse and I was also the guy that cleaned the floors. There was automobile sales form low end used cars all the way up to high end luxury cars, Ford F150 pickups to Acura RL's are a completely different kind of buyer. There was the door to door sales of vacuum cleaners to home protection programs and knife sets, yes everything you could think of. I got my insurance license and worked in that industry and I have worked store security for a department store. YES, every job that you could think of I have probably worked at some point.
  My Multi-Level Marketing and work from home experience has also spanned the spectrum, I started years ago in Amway and had a garage filled with laundry detergent( Early starters know what I mean). I promoted energy drinks, phone and home protection services, lotions, potions and pills. My experience in this field has definitely been a long and sometimes very painful learning process. I am currently working with what I have found to be the most successful programs I have found over the years and am very happy with where I am at.
 So that is it in a nut shell, like I said earlier if you are interested in the whole story(I warn you it is not an easy one) check out the blog on my website. I am here to share my experience and ideas in hopes that I can possibly  help someone that thinks they cannot make it. My path has not been an easy one and I think I have learned a better way to get to success much easier than my path.
 If you are interested in connecting and sharing ideas or swapping stories or just to talk reach out to me. MAKE IT A GREAT DAY!
 I will also say that I am not a writer, heck I did not even graduate High School so any errors in grammar, punctuation, run on sentences( I tend to ramble) or anything else that might make you  English majors cringe I apologize, Haha. 

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