Friday, February 27, 2015

More work on my website...

  Today was another day spent working on my website and making a bunch of phone calls to new business prospects and with this weather I am glad to do that from home in some sweat pants and slippers .It does take discipline to work from home and most people that I have talked to that do work from home will say that having that DISCIPLINE to sit there and get the work done. With all the distractions that you have in the home, computer and all the distractions involved with getting on the computer. Social media sites are one of the biggest time suckers and if you do not have a boss or Co workers around you to see what you are doing some people tend to stray from the program a little. I enjoy playing some Xbox One and that can definitely drain some serious time from your day and get away from you rather quickly.

 One of the biggest things that I do is plan my day out and use a daily action planner to make sure I get everything accomplished. This planner breaks my day down by the hour and lets me know what I need to be doing and when it has to be done. I also have no problem making sure that I make my money before I take a break and watch one of my shows or play a game. If you set up strict guidelines and stick to them and know that in order to get things done, you have to follow your game plan or you will quickly find out how fast the time gets away from you. Believe me it has happened to me before where I will say alright before I get started for the day I am going to watch ONE episode of The Walking Dead and three or four episodes later I am like SHIT!!! it is hours later and I am behind and you have to hustle harder to try and make up for all that time and it just makes me more frustrated trying to get caught up. So what I do is start the day right away like I am going to the office, I wake up and take a shower and get dressed. Yes sometimes I am in sweatpants a t-shirt and slippers, but not the same clothes I wore to bed. I need to get up and shower and change and that makes me feel like I am ready to start my day.

 There are other things I do to make sure the environment in my home office is going to make for a productive day. Little things like making sure the printer is on the other side of the room so I have to get up and move a little when I print something. I also have music on that is going to keep me pumped up and moving or motivational speeches that I have downloaded. I have been to a few people's homes where they have their office set up and I was blown away at how they were set up. There was one that was set up in a room that had tanks and cages with his pets in them, spiders,snakes and lizards and he would take constant breaks to feed them or play with them or just sit and watch them. I would meet with him on Monday and we were working together on a project that we should have had done by that Friday, so I go back to meet with him and there was about 2 hours worth of work done for the whole week and quickly found out that the animals were consuming his time. That was the first and last time that we worked together because of his failure to get things done. I also met with someone else that loved to cook and had a small desk off to one side of the kitchen and would take breaks to make lunch and it would turn into a whole cooking adventure and would not get all the stuff done that he was supposed to and we did not work together for long either.

It is great to have hobbies and passion about something, but you need to separate them from your work. You need to treat it like you are getting up and going to earn your paycheck, you would not start playing with snakes and spiders in the middle of your work day at the office would you? Well, you could but how long would you work there after that ? yeah not long, HAHA. You need to find out what works for you and what does not work for you it is different for everybody I only know what works for me. MAKE IT A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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