Saturday, February 14, 2015

Lazy Saturday...

      HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!!!!!!! I hope it was a GREAT day with the one you love and if you are single good luck on finding that special someone. This was the first Valentine's day with my girlfriend of 10 months now and I was planning on a special day, a fancy dinner and a night out of town in a nice hotel. Well that did not happen , she has strep throat and feels so sick. So it has been a lazy day around the house and she is getting her rest and I am getting my video game time in ( It is not all business, you need to have fun) and she got me a new game in my gift bag for the day. She picked up Far Cry 4 for me and also got me 3 very nice shirts and a pair of new sneakers. She spoils me even though she is not feeling well and not her self she makes sure that she gets me to smile .I love her so much, it is amazing to have someone at your side that supports you and shows you  that they love you. I owe her a very special day when she is feeling better and she more then deserves it.  She is so incredible and makes me feel so good about myself everyday.
       I have seen great people torn down by a partner that did not support them and drained their life force. If you have someone in your corner that is telling you that you cannot do something, or you are not good enough to succeed and continues to fill your head with negative feedback you will start to believe what you are being told. If you feel you are in a situation where your partner does not support you 1000% you should reevaluate what is important to you. I mean if I went and told my love that I was going to try out for my favorite NFL football team the OAKLAND RAIDERS she would say okay. Well what position are you trying out for? Are there a lot of 42 year old wide receivers in the league? Do you think you are in that type of shape? She would ask questions to get me to see what I was reaching for could possibly be out of my grasp. She would not do it in such a way that I have seen in other relationships that can tear a person down. You are to old! You are to slow! You can never do that!
      Well I know I could never play in the NFL at this point in my life but the dreams we all have whether we can attain them or not we need support in going after them. the quickest way for a dream to die is having a loved one tell you that you cannot do it. How many times yourself have you stopped pursuing a goal because someone told you that you cannot do that? It is so important to have positive feedback and encouragement from your loved ones, especially your partner. We ourselves have to take a look at our dreams and see if it is possible. One of my favorite quotes of all time-
" Whatever the mind can conceive and can believe , it can achieve."
Napoleon Hill
     I feel that when Napoleon Hill said this he was saying whatever your mind can conceive, whatever you are capable of thinking it and it is what you want to do, and make yourself believe it you are able to achieve it. I know in my mind that I will never play in the NFL so I do not set my mind on that path of thinking of a game-plan to reach that goal. What I am saying is that you should look in YOUR tool box, what do you know, what are you good at, what is it that you want to do? That gives you a platform to build from and start planning towards your goals.  I believe in chasing your dreams to the fullest
 " Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."
 Norman Vincent Peale

    The best way to start is WRITE down your goals and have your game-plan set up to get you where you want to be. If you were taking a trip to some place you have never been you would get out a map and find spots you want to check out, and the best route to take, places to avoid, mountains to go around, places to stop and get gas and great places to eat. You would pack the car, check the oil, tire pressure, the spare tire and make sure the car is good to go. You would make sure you have the right clothes for wherever you are going, someplace very cold you would pack sweaters, hats, gloves, thermals, underwear, enough to make sure you would be warm. You would put a lot of effort into the planning of the trip and make sure that you had everything that you needed. We do all this to take a trip but when it comes to our LIFE we say" I want to be rich and successful"  and leave it at that. 
   We do not sit down and right down a game-plan to make us rich and successful and are completely devastated when we are not. I have watched people put more effort into their outfit for a night out at the club than they do in the planning of their LIFE!  So my best advice is TO SIT DOWN AND WRITE DOWN YOUR MAP FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!! Figure out what you want to do and what you have to do to get there and a part that most people will not do and keeps them from their goal is what you have to give up to get to your goal. We have to make sacrifices to get to a point in our lives that we have never been before. If you are trying to get in shape and enter a bodybuilding competition you are going to have to give up certain foods amd you are going to have to spend a lot of time in the gym. I could go on and on about the changes you need to make. You get the idea. We need to make changes in our thinking and decision making process.
       One of the greatest joys in life for me is helping people realize what it is that they want to do and helping them realize that they are capable of achieving what they want in life. So decide where it is you want to be and get to work on YOUR MAP!!!!!!! MAKE IT A GREAT DAY!

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