Sunday, February 15, 2015

ICE COLD Sunday...

 Well it is currently 16° outside here in York, PA and I am getting ready to take the dogs out for there nightly walk and I have to say that I am not excited. When we woke up this morning my girlfriend and I decided to go out for breakfast ,we have a weekly ritual. When we got outside I really thought my face was going to fall of, the wind was blowing and it was slicing through my clothes and literately froze my lips together in the time it took me to walk to the car. The kind of cold that makes you rethink what you have to do that day and if it really needs to get done. I have grown tired of the winter weather here and need to get out of here , the west coast is calling me in the worst way. I keep thinking of my visit to San Francisco with my Son and realizing how much I miss it out there.
  I am thankful that I found a better way years ago and am able to work form home and work when I want. I have a lot of RESPECT for the people out there having to work in this weather, there is no way that I would want to be out there doing that. I stopped to put air in one of the tires on the car and and was out there for about two minutes  and could not feel my hands when I got back in the car.

 These are great days to be snuggled up in the house by the fireplace watching movies or a Jersey Shore Marathon like my baby doll is doing right now. The epic show that showed the dark and dirty side of the party life in Seaside Heights , NJ. Yes she is getting caught up on all the episodes that she missed years back, and I am right here being dragged in and being asked about my Jersey days.I am brought back to my days as a young teen when I worked on the Keansburg boardwalk in the arcades there and got to see all kinds of crazy drama. So many drunk and crazy  people coming in and spending $100 in money to play games to get tickets to win a prize that would have cost them $15 in the store. Hey you can get this blender for 300,000 tickets. Oh yeah, I am going to play skee ball for 7 hours and it is all mine, yes this went on everyday. Some people treated it like their job and would show up as soon as we opened and leave to get more money and come back through out the day.

 There were the later years that I was partying at the spots that they are in the show right now, and my girl knows that I am from Jersey so she is asking me if it is really like that and do people act like that. I have to say that I am from Jersey and do not act like that and most of the people on that show are not even from Jersey and do not represent TRUE JERSEY in any way. Oh well that is what a lot of people eat up and enjoy, all that crazy drama that happened on a daily basis on that show.

  There was a huge part of my life where I went through the big party phase and did want to go out a lot and live that lifestyle. But as you get older you realize what is really important in life and learn to let that stuff go. That is easier for some of us to do than others and sometimes we may fall back into that phase when we lose our direction and feel like that is a comfortable place to be. I fell back into that lifestyle in my mid 30's and got three DUI's after a string of bad break ups and bad business decisions. It was easy for me to fall back into it because of the way I was raised it was like it was ingrained in my DNA and that is the path I was supposed to be on. It can happen to any of us, that is why we need to have a solid support system around us and when we feel like we might be heading down that path that we reach out to someone that we can talk to.

  I have watched many people around be backslide a little and recover and get back on track and stay there but I have also seen some people slide back and never return. There have been friends and family that I lost due to alcohol and drugs, hell the two people closet to me in the world. My MOM and DAD were both taken from this planet because of drugs and alcohol.  So if you feel like you might be heading down a dark path reach out and get some help or if you see someone that might be heading that way reach out and help them. Some people may push you away and not want the help and may even get angry at you for trying and some will welcome the help. I would rather have a friend or family member mad at me for trying to help then going to visit them in the hospital or going to their funeral. So be there for someone and it can also help you in ways that you did not realize.

 Just some things on my mind today and not getting into a serious business mode today. It is good to take some breaks and just relax and enjoy what is going on around you. HAVE A PEACEFUL NIGHT!

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