Thursday, February 19, 2015

A reflection back to my childhood...

 So I received a phone call last night that they would not need me at the warehouse today, that is how it goes sometimes with these temp jobs. I was okay with that I put a list together of what I could get done today, even had some time for a little Xbox One action . Yes I am a nerd at heart I was raised on video games and still hold onto that. I enjoy playing all types of games but right now my most played list is Far Cry 4, Battlefield 4, and  Assassin's Creed Black Flag . My amazing girlfriend got me an Xbox One for my birthday and I have really made sure that she got her money's worth. Growing up we could not even imagine a system like this, we had Ms.Pacman, Centipede ,Dig Dug you know the big old machine classics. I can remember being given rolls of quarters and sent to the arcade on the Keansburg boardwalk and those machines became my babysitter haha.  And the systems we had in the house were no where near the level of what is out nowadays and it amazes me sometimes. I could go off and list so many games that bring back memories and were some of my favorites.
  My arcade classics and favorites are Ms.Pac Man, Dig Dug, Centipede, Star Wars, Galaga, Frogger , Tempest,Donkey Kong,Tron, Gauntlet,Paperboy,Ghost's n' Ghoblins,Burger Time, Spy Hunter and Double Dragon. My Atari favorites are Asteroids,Tempest,Combat,Pitfall,Missile Commander,Centipede,Yar's Revenge, and of course Space Invaders. My Nintendo favorites are all of the Zelda's, Ocarina of time is at the top, Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros 3, GoldenEye 007, Punch-Out,Metroid Prime, and Mario Cart. These are just a few of my classics that came to mind right away, there were systems and games that I had that I can not remember them all. I had the atari 2600, Intellivison, Coleco Vision, Commodore 64, Sega Master System( I was given one of these after doing a modeling shoot for and in people magazine. Don Johnson was on the cover, he got married and I was in there for the new Sega System ad.) The Action Max, what a horrible system. I think that one had like three games only. The Sega genesis,Super NES,Playstation,Nintendo 64,PS 2,Gamecube,Xbox,Nintendo Wii,Xbox 360, and the Xbox One. Oh I forgot a classic from way back I had the Vetrex System ( this was a stand alone little mini arcade game, they were awesome. that had different color screens that you would change for each game, CLASSIC!) that was given to me from one of my cousin's who had also given me most of the gaming systems that I had. When he got a new one I was lucky enough to get his old ones. 

 I do not think I have thanked him enough for all the games and systems he gave me , those games really helped me get through some trying times and helped me cope with all that was going on. He also helped instill a love for video games that I have passed on to my kids. We have had some great times playing games together and I will always cherish those days. I am also thankful that I am able to set my own schedule and do not have to punch a clock so I get get some game time in when I feel like I want to relax. Now that I am in a position to do it I think I want to go back through my childhood and collect those old systems and games and build a huge nerd cave. YEAH!!!!!!!

 I do believe that the games helped me get through a lot that I had to deal with early on in life and let me escape to a different place. There are times that I think back to how bad I did have it at times but I did have it good as well, so for that I am thankful. Looking towards the future I cannot even think how far games will be when my kids are having kids and they are growing up. Well hopefully I will be around to see that, you will see me in the rocking chair with a controller in my hand complaining about my arthritis HAHA!  GAME ON! MAKE IT A GREAT DAY!

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