Monday, February 23, 2015

Last day for the week..

   Well today was that last day of work for this week, it was three 12 hour shifts in a row. I will say that my body is not what it used to be after that little stretch. It was working in a warehouse lifting and moving stuff the whole shift and walking on a solid cold concrete floor. Yeah my feet feel it the most and I need to relax them, oh yeah. Again I will say I have a massive amount of respect for the men and women that got out and do that every week. I feel for all  them as well because I know it is not easy and there were even  some people in there much older than myself. And when I was there I took a minute to think about myself in my 60's and having to do that job I just got goosebumps.

  I have not always made the best choices in life and did a lot of things to cause me to lose so much that I had built up. So nowadays I do things to not only make sure everything is good now but also build for a comfortable future. It is crazy to look back and think about the steps that I have taken backwards because of my own poor choices. Many of us get stuck in a rut sometimes and it feels like there is no way out and I will tell you that you have to keep pushing forward, it will get better. There is a country song  by Gary Allan-Every storm runs out of rain. I recommend giving that a listen it is on my motivational play list and it helps me.

  Whatever it is that you use to motivate yourself may help someone else so when I find a great song,quote  or anything I like to share it. I do a ton of reading of all kinds of motivational books and take from all of that what I like to use and share as well. It happens to the best of us at times where we get complacent and just set the dial to cruise control and drift through the day. It is finding a quick way out of that so it does not turn into days,weeks,months or even worse YEARS! So develop a pattern that you can use when you start to feel like that and snap yourself out of it quick and move on with your day in a POSITIVE direction.

 The top things in my toolbox to keep me on track and stay motivated are positive quotes,songs,stories,books and people. I also feel if you try and eliminate as much negativity as possible that helps and I cut out negative people, the news, I do not read depressing stories in the newspaper or watch the daily news with reports of bad things. I also focus on my health, I try and eat right ( I love to eat and cheat sometimes) I also enjoy working out and staying in shape this gives me a more positive outlook. If you feel good, look good it is easier for you to act good and stick to a daily positive routine that will benefit your life in many areas.

 I suggest getting a solid play list together with stuff that pumps you up, I could put a list here but what works for me may not work for you. but it should be stuff that gets you to want to get up and move and get things done. Also hang a few of your favorite quotes or sayings near your desk or somewhere you can see them, hang some near your mirror in the bathroom so when you wake up and brush your teeth you are starting your day with POSITIVITY!  Stay focused on what you want and let nothing take you from your goal, you need to get that laser beam focus with blinders on and NOTHING WILL STOP YOU! MAKE IT A GREAT DAY!

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