Saturday, February 21, 2015

Another crazy snow day...

   So last night after I posted my day on here I got a phone call from the temp agency and they said they really could use me. I was not planning on going in but my girlfriend had a full day with her best friend so I said okay I would go in. It was for a 12 hour shift and they asked me if I could work the nest three days at 12 hours a day, I agreed. It is crazy to say but I do enjoy working hard from time to time it definitely  keeps me grounded. I have seen some people I know build there own success coming up from nothing and they lose touch with where they came from and distance themselves in such a way from that environment that they lose touch with what it used to be like. They act like they were never in the same shoes of those guys busting their asses with me today for a small hourly wage. I like being in the trenches and getting my hands dirty, it makes me feel good at the end of the day that we got the job done.

 Now do not get me wrong, I love having the success and freedom I have it is just a good feeling to be reminded where I came from and how hard it used to be .It really makes me appreciated what I have that much more and not take anything for granted. When we start to take those things for granted we start to slack off in our work ethic and not pay attention to the details and things start to slip. I have seen that happen and refuse to forget where I came from and what it took me to get there, another reason I enjoy taking on these temporary jobs from time to time. I will never allow my self to lose that focus that keeps me driving forward and continuing to strive for excellence.

 Well today at the warehouse I was working on a line where all I did was tape boxes for a period of time as they went into a truck to be shipped out. It was not long before I think they could sense the boredom seeping through my pores and came and got me and had me train with someone in the selection process. The guy who was training me was much younger than myself he was being very thorough and was treating me like I had never done this type of work in the past. He never asked so I did not tell him that I had years of product selecting from food to clothing and all types of environments.  I had also started as a selector ( the grunt of the warehouse) in a few warehouse and worked my way up to lead selector,trainer and supervisor. I did not tell this young guy that I had trained a few hundred selectors over the years and implemented training programs in other facilities.

 The look on his face was complete shock when he went through the whole process twice and said I could give it a try, but for me to take my time. Anyone that has selected will tell you it is pretty much the same wherever you go. You have the product in aisles in the warehouse and they are all labeled in sequential order and most are set up like a serpentine pattern, you go down the first aisle with your shot sheet( the list of product you will pick) and it tells you where to start and how much to pick from each bin. You scan the bin, the product and your cart that you are pushing or driving along and you scanner will tell you if you have made a mistake. So he gives me my shot sheet, I scan it and take off and pick the order without an error and grab another one and do it again. The supervisor comes by t see how things are going and the trainer  was standing there with a look of shock that I got through so quick with no errors.

 As we got to talking I did tell him about all my experience and how I knew how to do that. He began to tell me that he wanted to do more and how he was not happy with  where he was in life. It happens like this so much for me, I do not even have to try and pitch my business it just seems like they want to open up to me. And when they are done telling me their story and I let them know what I do they are practically begging to find out what I do. Now some people will never see the vision, remember to NEVER take that personal. Whatever it is that you are offering people you will never be able to please everyone or get them to follow you. If you stand on the corner with a bag of money and started handing it out there would be people that would walk right by you, yes there are people that believe that could be to good to be true or would even say that they do not need anymore money. YES!!! It is that crazy that people have such fear and doubt in them.

I have to say that I am so done with this weather in Pennsylvania, we were stuck in a warehouse for twelve hours and I had no idea it was even supposed  to snow and come outside and there is 7 inches on the ground and it was still coming down. I miss the beach and warm weather and need to talk my baby girl into moving to the West coast, California for me.

 So my advice for the day is that whatever you are doing do not let people KNOCK YOU OFF YOUR SQUARE! Stay focused on what it is that you want to achieve and continue to introduce as many people as you can to your vision and you will see the tide start to turn and all NO'S and constant rejection will start to shift to the YES'S and I am ready to follow you . It will happen slowly and then out of no where the flood gates will burst open after continuous effort the results will truly amaze you. So stick with it and keep getting up and putting in that work towards you dream. WAKE UP, GRIND, REPEAT!  MAKE IT A GREAT DAY!

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