Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Got sent home today...

I had to give "THANKS" for all that I have today in a big way. There was a shortage of work at the warehouse today so they sent a bunch of us home as soon as we got there and we did not get paid for the day. The group that they sent home were all temporary employee's and some of them were quite upset and to understand losing one day of work at $10 and hour is a HUGE deal to a lot of people. that is the difference between making it through the next week or having to do with out. I do not think most people realize how hard it really is it out there, there seems to be a serious disconnect from the middle class and the poor. And the level of poor is where a large part of the country lives, the last census that was done  in 2013, says that  45.3 million people in the United States lived in poverty. The nation's official poverty rate was 14.5% in 2013 with a population of  318.9 million (2014). That is a crazy number 45.3 million people live in poverty, there needs to be more done to fix this.

  When these guys were upset about losing a whole day of work  today I completely understand where they are coming from. I have been there and relied on every single penny coming in and been to a point where there were  NO PENNIES coming in. That is when you get real creative with ways to get money together just to get something to eat. I have been homeless and lived on the street and know that it can take just losing that one day of pay to start trying to play catch up and fall behind and lose everything. It is so hard for some people to imagine that it can happen that easily and  I believe this world would be  such a better place if there was a way to close the gap between the classes. I know it is not easy to do as far as the difference in money goes, but if there was a better understanding foe how hard it is out there that might do something to trigger some more ideas or programs that can help people who lack the resources to move forward in this world. 

  One of the main business's that I am involved in costs $385 to start and then $110 in membership benefits each month.I know that most of the people I come into contact with at this warehouse are not able to afford that and I am not saying this in a bad way I am saying it because it is that hard to try to get ahead when you do not make enough money. There is not extra money to pursue opportunities that you may think can help you improve your quality of life. That is why I show people how to start from the bottom and build a solid base with stuff that I started all for free and generate money from that and use that for a larger business to make larger amounts of money.

 I come into contact with so many different types of people, as I had said before some people will be content working in that warehouse forever. The people who I am looking for are the people who want more out of life and know that there is a better quality of life out there. It does not matter if you are the guy sweeping the floor or the manager in the office, many of us yearn for a better quality of life and sometimes do not know how to achieve it. I have seen some people so blinded by what they have been told and shown their whole life that they truly feel that they do not deserve better and that is JUST CRAZY THINKING! We all deserve to be and achieve what we want in life and cannot let anything or anyone keep us from realizing our dreams.
   I wish there was a way for me to reach a much larger crowd and just get people to see that it does not have to be the way it is. I mean who really wants to get up at 3:30 am going to work for ten hours a day, be told when to eat, where to sit, what you can wear, when to talk, what days you can have off, what time you can leave, and probably the worst for me BE TOLD WHAT YOU ARE WORTH!  Here I will give you $10 an hour for your time away from your family, friends, things you like to do ,free time and you will also have to follow all these rules I lay down and if you don't I will fire you and you will not have a job. I could not handle this system and always thought I was worth more and continue to try to show everyone that they are worth more as well.
 Working for yourself is not for everyone you need to have discipline and confidence in yourself to get things done. These are things that can be taught to a certain degree, I can show you the discipline you need to build and grow your business and also how to build your confidence. but if your are not going to continue to work on this and continue to strive to be better it will not work. i have worked with people who ate up all that I said an started to apply these lessons in life and told me things were going well. But I would not here from them in a awhile and I would reach out to them and could tell when I made contact with them that there was a difference, I could hear it in their voice. THE CONFIDENCE WAS GONE! You need to continue to work on yourself and keep building yourself up. All the years that you went through with a lack of guidance and confidence cannot be repaired in a month, it takes time. Just like it takes time to build anything. SO GET STARTED NOW! Start building your future and go after what you want in life. MAKE IT A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!

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