Friday, February 20, 2015

My HOME OFFICE kinda day...

 So today there was a good amount of stuff that  I wanted to get done for my business ventures, I am involved in many different things and always find new things that peak my interest. I will take a look at anything and give my feedback if someone wants to hear it and get approached all the time with new opportunities. I am involved in some networking groups on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram  , and LinkedIn and from all these sources there are no less then 15-20 requests a day to check out THE NEXT GREAT THING! The reason I bring this up today is another up and coming opportunity that was touted as the BEST NEW SYSTEM is calling it quits this month. I was approached by over a dozen people to get involved in "WAKE UP NOW" and when I first looked at it I was like okay, these seems like a good plan. But I did some research and things just did not add up and also the main business I promote has benefits that I was already receiving and did not see a benefit in joining WAKE UP NOW. Now those of you that are involved in MLM, Network Marketing know that when you reject some people that get offended. I have heard " What are you crazy? This is easy money", yes people close to me pitched this business to me and I turned them down.
   When you turn someone down and they have so much invested in that dream they feel such a rejection they take it personal and can affect your relationship. There were a few people that I was networking with and took such offense that I said NO to them that they deleted me as a friend on Facebook and stopped sending messages. That is definitely not the way to do it, you have to understand that not everything is for everybody. You cannot take it personal and understand that some people will not have the same vision as you  or are not interested in the product or service that you are offering. I used to take it personal when I would pitch an opportunity to a friend or family member and they would say NO! What, how can you say no? You are my friend, or cousin yeah I pitched everyone. It got to a point where they did not even want to hear what I was doing and I understand that now. I do not even pitch to family or friends, I let them ask me when they see that I am doing well. that was one hard thing for me to get in my head. DO NO TAKE IT PERSONAL!

  There are people contacting me now and letting me know that they are not doing that business anymore( Wake up Now) and they want to know what I am doing. I am not going to sit here and say I TOLD YOU SO!    That is not the way to handle that situation, you need to be understanding and explain to them that this happens sometimes and be there for them. Some people get blinded and have that tunnel vision and cannot see that they are about to be blindsided. I am not going to bad mouth another company or opportunity, I will however give my opinion from my own experience.I do feel for the people that lost their time and money that they invested in this business and the CEO ruined it all for them. I think what hurts more and is harder to recover from than the money and time lost is THE HOPES AND DREAMS that were crushed when they lost this opportunity. The plans they had for the future and what they were planning to do with the money they were going to make. Visions of a better life for their kids,husband,wife, loved ones and hope of more freedom. This makes it harder for them to trust someone that comes along with a new opportunity and I have run into people that are so jaded from experiences like this that they will never give something else a try. It is hard for these people to think something else can work for them and it is not easy for them to get that vision back. That is what I work on the most with people that have been through a negative situation like that, is getting YOUR WHY back into sight. WHY do you want to do something else, what is it for,kids,wife,husband,mom,dad,freedom,retirement, find out the why and focus on that.  I have been involved in over 30 different business plans that have marketed products and or services. I have seen it all and have settled on the ones that work for me and that I enjoy promoting.

 Believe me I know it is not easy out there and it seems like just about every day THE NEXT BIG THING comes out and it is going to change your life. All you have to do is drink this energy drink and get everyone you know to drink it and buy three cases a month and pay shipping, blah blah blah. Yes there are so many offers that are thrown my way it is overwhelming at times and I just have to take a step back and focus on what works for me and try to pass that knowledge on the best I can. If you feel like you would like to take a look at a business or have been approached to check out an opportunity ask me about it because I may have either been directly involved with the company or seen the presentation my self  and would give you my honest feedback free of charge.

  I will tell you that working for yourself is the way to go and for me the true path to success and happiness. I love setting my own schedule and deciding what I want to do and when I want to do it. The greatest part for me is being able to help people and improve their quality of life. I do not put all my eggs in one basket and rely fully on one source of income or type of business. I am involved in different things and continue to grow what I do and always on the look out for great opportunities, so if you feel like you have something good let me know. MAKE IT A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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