Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Another day in the warehouse...

 Well this was my second day at the new temporary job that I took on this week and it was pretty much the same as yesterday.  That is one thing that always got to me when I  HAD to work jobs like this to pay the bills and had no choice, the ROUTINE! It does not matter what type of warehouse it is whether it is frozen food, cell phones, cable boxes to clothes. There is a process where product comes in, is put away , selected to be shipped out, and delivered. That is the core of the flow that keeps the warehouse running of course there is much more that goes on in the whole process. There are key elements needed for the whole train to keep moving, the batteries need charged for the equipment,maintenance on the equipment,cleaning of the facility ,security,  all of this needs to happen. And whatever position you are in it is the task that you perform on a daily basis and this is what would drive me nuts.

  As I have said I take in these jobs now to connect with new people and also to keep reminding me how far I have come.But it amazes me that someone can work in the same position foe 8,10,12 hours a day 5 days a week and do the same thing. I have been in warehouses where the package food and I had a task of packing 8 bags of pretzels in a box and that is what I did the whole shift, nothing else. I would talk to people in that department and there were people that had worked there for 20,25 years doing that same job. I have a great deal of respect for people that are able to do that but also ask them if they ever wanted to do more and some have said they were stuck there because of a lack of education or skills for a different position. that is when it really hits home and I feel like I need to help so many more people and wish I could clone myself to go out and help all the people that feel like this. They feel trapped in a job that they do not like and the yearn for something better but feel the are not worthy of it.

 Sometimes I talk to people and they are so far gone from me trying to reach them and show them that it is possible with a little effort and my help that we can replace your income and you can get your freedom back. I have been faced with such resistance  and people actually getting mad at me, " WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY!" "YOU NEED TO WORK THE SAME PLACE FOR 30 YEARS AND RETIRE", I have heard it all and this may have been the case many years ago but we can all see now that there is no real JOB security. How many major American companies can you think of that have had massive layoffs or closed down production here and shipped jobs overseas? It could be for tax purposes or a workforce that will work for a much smaller pay-rate. There are major American brands that people my age grew up on and have jumped ship and moved out of the country and left many people with out work.

 So part of my whole plan is to help as many people as possible to inform them and show them how I did it and let them know that if this was something I could do you can do it as well. I just do not think it is fair that someone would dedicate 15,16,17 years to a company and plan for their future and before they can reach retirement they are in formed that the company is moving or closing down and they are out of a job or the CEO embezzled millions from the retirement fund and everyone is broke . Whatever one of these situations occur it is not fair to the person that put all their eggs in that basket and are completely shattered when this happens.

 That is why after many years of struggling I looked around at the people that were truly successful and started talking to them and getting advice from them and participating in things they did.  I modeled myself after them, because that is what I wanted to be. I read the books they recommended, took financial advice , joined business ventures they were getting involved in and followed the path they laid out. And that has made all the difference I ate up all the advice they gave, read every book that would help me improve myself and am so thankful for all of that. My plan is to try and help as many people as possible do the same thing. SO MAKE IT A GREAT DAY!!!!!

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