Saturday, February 28, 2015

Getting started on the path to making serious money...

OKAY! Let's start talking about making serious money, I am going to show you how to make $5,000,000 this week and you do not have to do any work for it You just sign up with me and send me money and it will happen. How about NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been lured into my share of get rich quick schemes and have learned many valuable lessons over the years. For all of you that have ever been involved in any type of get rich quick plan I will tell you that I know your pain. I purchased Carlton Sheets get rich off of real estate now, Don Lapre's 900 number goldmine, been involved in so many different marketing companies pushing everything from vitamins to magical energy potions, home care products, Internet service, classified ad's. I could go on and on with a much longer list because I was always looking for the next big thing and fast way to make cash. I could kick myself for not doing better research back then and finding a solid company and building from there. I signed up with companies that were closed down 1 month later and I had lost my money and was on to the next one. With all the trials and errors over the years the real world became my classroom and the men and woman that I got involved with my teachers. 

Now some of them taught me good things to do and practices to follow to help ensure success and others showed me what NOT TO DO and how to completely destroy your own business and have everyone around you not want to work with you. So they were valuable lessons learned from both sides and it has made me that much better off then if I had not experienced all of that. I will say that some of those lessons were not only financially painful, but embarrassing because I had tried to bring friends and family along with me on THE NEXT BIG THING! And those that joined were upset and disappointed when things failed and those that did not join were sitting there saying I TOLD YOU SO!!!!! That is one phrase that I got so tired of hearing and it drove me to work even harder. After all the years of trial and error I can usually tell right away if the company that someone is presenting to me is something that I would want to get involved in. 

And I am always looking for new projects that I can fit into my schedule that I feel will be a good fit for me and be worth my time and effort to make some more money. When I look at an opportunity I look at three key things 1. Can I see myself doing this? 2.Do I believe in the product or service? 3.Will I make money?. Of course, there are many more questions to ask when looking at an opportunity, but those three are the ones I use to see if I want to pursue it any further . Once I make a decision to move forward with a company I do lots of research and the very first thing I do is Google the company and the name of the person that sent me the information. There has been times that I was sent a link to an opportunity and thought it sounded good and asked myself the first three questions and searched for information to find out that the company is being shut down and the CEO of the company is being indicted for fraud. After that I will ask around to friends or family that I know may have been involved with that business. I will also reach out to the groups that I am connected with and highly recommend joining groups that are associated with what you want to do. I am into MLM so I join Multi Level Marketing groups and work from home opportunity groups. Join similar groups that share your interest and pool them for information, this is a great resource. So please make sure you do your research before dropping your money down and getting involved in anything.

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