Sunday, March 1, 2015

Start with a gameplan...

   The first thing you need to do is sit down and come up with your GAME PLAN, what is it that you want to accomplish? You cannot simply say "I WANT TO MAKE A MILLION DOLLARS" and expect it to happen. That is great that you want to make a million dollars, but what are you going to do to get there,what tools do you have to help you make that money, who can you go to for advice,how long do you have to make your million dollars, what will you do daily to get you closer to your goal? Having a game plan is important because it will tell you what you need to be doing to reach your goals.

And it will greatly reduce the time it takes you to hit your target because you can see what steps to take and know that you need to stay on track. So sit down and WRITE OUT YOUR GOALS! I will say it again WRITE DOWN YOUR GOALS! Yes this is very important because when you write them down you are able to see what you are reaching for and will focus more on achieving it . For example-I want to make a MILLION DOLLARS, I will give myself 18 months from today to achieve that goal and today's date is March 12th 2015. Now you have a target to shoot for and keep the days on the calendar numbered in reverse so each day you see that another day has gone by and you are in countdown mode.

Whatever your course of action to achieve the million dollars is make sure you have a daily task planner that keeps you focused on what it is that you need to do. For example- You are a real estate agent and you need to sell 30 properties in the next 18 months to reach your million dollar mark and you know that you can sell a property if you show it at least 25 times. So you need to make sure you show each property 25 times and continue to get listings until you reach 30 properties. And you know that when you place 40 phone calls you will get at least one listing, so you need to make sure you make enough calls to get those listings and you should be focused on that. You can apply this to anything that you are doing, you have to put in the work to get the results they will not just happen. I have found that if I sit and talk to 20 people about one of my business opportunities I will get 2 or 3 DEFINITE YES'S out of that bunch. So in order for me to grow my business like I want to I know I need to talk to 100 people to get the numbers I want. So in order for me to achieve this goal I will talk to everyone I see and ask everyone I talk to for referrals and this has worked out for me. Once you have your game plan in place you can work on what steps you need to take to reach your goals and adjust it as you go.

There are always things you can do to tweak the plays you are running if you are not getting the results you want. It is just like a football coach that is calling running plays and the linebackers are shutting them down and he notices a weakness in the secondary so they start throwing the ball and get the results they want. I have had to adjust my gameplan many times and it has happened on the fly most of the time because I go in thinking THIS IS IT! This will work and you get in the game and you are like "What is going on " I am not getting the results I want and you have to switch up and try something different. That is why you need a back up plan and a back for the back up plan to make sure that you are fully prepared for whatever may come at you and can adjust to whatever is thrown at you. When you get knocked down get back up and get back in there and call another play, because believe me you will get knocked down. GET UP AND GET BACK IN THERE!!!!!

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