Friday, March 6, 2015

Date day with my baby...

 Well things have been so crazy that my baby and I decided to have a date day today because it will be another busy weekend for me. I gave my word that I would work this weekend at the warehouse job so I will be working the next three days for 12 hours a day. And after that I will have to see what happens, I do not think I need to spend anymore time there. I have met so many people because I will talk to anyone and have made some valuable contacts already. Because of my work ethic and the manager of the warehouse and the supervisor seeing how I work and interact with the other employee's they came up to me and asked me what my story was. They said it was obvious that I knew what was going on and handled every job they gave me with ease and was trained in many different positions in a short period of time. They talked to me about a lead position that was open and that there would be a supervisor position that would be open soon and we discussed money and I explained my situation and they were quite surprised that I told them I would not be there long and what my plan was. After we walked away  from the conversation the one supervisor approached me and asked if I had a business card and he contacted me on the next day off. That is my plan ,to make as many contacts as possible and build relationships.

 Well our date day was FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE SPENDING TIME WITH MY BABY!!!!!!!!!!! We went to Red Lobster  for lunch one of her favorite spots and when she is craving those cheesy biscuits there is no way I am saying no. Believe me there are other places I like better to get some good sea food in this town and when we go there she gets the fire grilled chicken, it is all about those biscuits. We had a good lunch and always have fun together when we go out and laugh and joke so much that people are looking at us and I love it. After lunch we went to see Fifty Shades Of Grey, now I am not a hater of this movie at all but after all the hype I heard about this book and how incredible they were I really though the movie would be much better. I was not impressed, I mean it started very slow and for me there was not enough character development and when it came to the sex scenes ( which I heard that in the book they were so incredibly INTENSE). The sex scenes were kind of slow and not as passionate as I thought they would be, it was no 91/2 weeks. I did not feel that they had built that connection to express that to me through the screen. So we had to go pick up some subs from a fundraiser that my honey had bought and we stopped to get them and she told her friend we went to see the movie and she said that she has to read the books, so she let her use all three of them. So my baby asked me to read them with her and I agreed, after all this hype I will have to see what it was all about because the movie definitely did not live up to the hype. Oh yeah THANK YOU LAKOYA! We will both be reading the books now and I will be able to see what everyone was talking about and give my honest opinion.

  Tonight will be an early night for me since I will be up at 4am and off to work the whole day. I have some work to do on my website and send out some e-mails, I will also be doing some work on the e-book that I am putting together to show everyone the easiest to earn a second income and grow that into a sizable pay day so they are able to leave there JOBS behind and have complete freedom. So I will say GOOD NIGHT for today and get to work on that stuff and then get some sleep. SO MAKE IT A GREAT NIGHT!


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