Monday, March 2, 2015

How I built my foundation...

 Once I had my game plan in place I had to come up with my play book on what I would use to get to my goals.Now I was flat broke when I first started out, living paycheck to paycheck and I grew tired of never being able to get ahead. When I started looking for a way out I found many opportunities but they all required start up capital that I did not have a t that time. So I had to find other ways to raise the money to get something started because there was not enough leftover from my paychecks. I searched all over and tried   many different things and FAILED way more than I succeeded, but I learned many valuable lessons from all those failures.

   If you read my BLOG on my website at   you will see that I was at rock bottom and built myself up and made poor choices  and lost it all and had to start all over from the beginning. So I will show you the methods that I used to get to where I am at and anyone can do it if I can. I can give you all the instructions and show you where to go but I cannot give you DESIRE! You have to have that burning desire inside you to want to change and make things better and enjoy a much better lifestyle. Well let's get to it: as I said yesterday the FIRST thing to do is set up your GAME PLAN, write out your goals so you know where you are headed. Now what you want to do is come up with a BRAND, and there are so many reasons you want to do this and it will pay off in the biggest way. When I first started out I did not have a BRAND and was not getting the results I wanted and did some research and realized what I was lacking. For example my brand is ROBOACE- it was a nickname that was given to me because no one could pronounce my last name and was altered a little.

 With that being said you DO NOT need to form a BRAND to be successful, some people do not want to promote themselves and just want to make money. That is fine and I will show you how to make money without a brand later. I am simply showing you what I learned and what has worked BEST for me.  

  I took this and ran with it and it pays off for me in many different areas. I attach this to everything I do in all areas of my life(Will get more in detail on this later). My BRAND is part of my name and people associate it with me and recognize me to that name. So come up with something that people can associate that brand to you, when you see an Apple with a bite out of it you instantly know the BRAND or the Golden Arches that make you hungry. Those are two of the most recognizable brands on the planet and they continue to make sure you know  that.  So focus on what you are trying to convey with you BRAND and the message you want to get across. If you are a fantastic cake maker and you want to start selling cakes you would want to use that, like BOB THE BAKER and build from there.

  You want people to think about you and what you do when they hear your name or see your logo and know what it stands for.So think about what you want to convey and work on a name from there, ask friends and family for help. They will be honest with you and help you come up with something solid. Once you have that established you want to start securing all the social media and links in that name you can, HAVE A BACKUP NAME!!!!!!!!!!! I did not get the first name I wanted because it was taken in a few spots so I went with my second choice.

 I am going to use MY in formation for the examples, be sure to set up your accounts using your information.
   1. Sign up for an email account using your name-
    I highly recommend Gmail with Google because this all ties everything else together, Youtube and Blogger.
  2.Sign up for Youtube-
  3.Sign up for Twitter-
  4.Start a Fan page on Facebook-
  5.Sign up for Instagram-
  6.Sign up for a Pinterest-
  7.Sign up for a Tumblr-
  8.Sign up for a LinkedIN-
  9.Sign up for a Blogger through Google-
      This is a free service and is very easy to use.
   I know that was a lot of work but it will be well worth it when you are ready to start selling or promoting your product or yourself. So now that you have all that locked in what you want to start doing now is building CONTENT! You want to focus on getting as much content as possible, now this does not mean flood each page with all kinds of useless stuff. If you workout a lot and you want to promote a workout program that you will be selling, you want to take pictures of you working out and eating healthy and showing that you enjoy and know about that lifestyle. Now you may not use all of the platforms right now that you signed up for but it is a great idea to get them all locked in, I did not use my Youtube channel before and have no personal videos on my page as of today. But moving forward I will be doing a lot of videos in different areas and I have that name associated with my brand locked in.

   I am sure you can see and understand the value in forming a BRAND and having that brand name locked in with all that you do. A fantastic example of how this all works is that you use your Blogger to start writing about what is it that you do and tell your story, you post some pictures that link to your Pinterest, Instagram or Facebook and people start to connect with you and you start building a fan base. You communicate with people that are interested in similar things and become known in that field and they start to look to you for advice and you are able to help them. This is just one example, there are so many different options and my goal is to get you thinking about what you want to do and get you MOTIVATED TO DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 MAKE IT A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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