Sunday, February 22, 2015

Another 12 hour shift...

 WOW! I will tell you what I have more respect for people that put in those hours, it has been a long time since I worked a shift like that back to back and I will tell you it is not easy. I mean there are people that have no other choice but to get up every day and go the dam thing.I have met some really hardworking people and of course no matter where you go there are always the people trying to do the least amount possible. There has been connections made already that may turn into good relationships business and or personal.
 I promised I would be there tomorrow so I will not be up late tonight, I need to rest these old bones haha. It is not like it was when I was twenty years old and could work everyday like that and not feel the pain. I have also done much damage to my body with many crazy adventures and risk taking also many wild nights! That is a big piece of advice for the day TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY! You will regret it later if you do not do that, TRUST ME!!!!!! There are definitely some nights I could go back to and make some different choices, oh yeah.

 I think most of us take so much for granted when we are young and do not want to hear advice from some old person,  TRUST ME AGAIN listen to that advice. I am not saying you have to follow it all but older people are sometimes wiser and have been through it before and can give great advice. There are many wise nuggets that I held on to and it has made my life much better. I will need to come up with a list of all my favorite and post it and see if it can help anyone.

  Well tonight is a very short night for me so I will have to say GOOD NIGHT!!! I am going to start posting my advice on life and business and love, yeah that should be good the love part. I look forward to connecting with you all and getting to know you and working together.

 DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT TODAY! Step out of your comfort zone. MAKE IT A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!

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