Thursday, February 26, 2015

Working on my website...

Today I spent the day working on one of my BIG projects right now and that is my personal website. I am putting a blog on there that goes into all the detail about my life that I am not allowed to get into on this blog because of the restrictions and I understand that so I have MY STORY on my website, so check it out.      I also have a mix of things on the page like funny stuff I find, motivational pictures and quotes,a link to my business opportunities, it is a little bit of everything.

 I never knew how much work would go into getting the page all set up and running, moving widgets around and uploading photos and changing it all around when you find a better theme. Yeah it has been very long days and lots of learning about the different ways to manipulate Word Press  and get it set up the way that I like it, I will probably go change something after I am done here. That is one of my flaws, I am a perfectionist and will spend to much time trying to make sure it is perfect and that can consume you. It was a much bigger problem in the past and I have been working on it and making sure that I continue to tell myself that IT WILL NEVER BE PERFECT!

 Many of us wait for the perfect circumstances or wait until the think things will be perfect and so much time is spent WAITING, get off your ass and get in the game. I have done more learning and correcting things on the fly versus sitting and waiting for the situation to be perfect. Even if you feel the settings are not where you want them to be just get moving and you can make adjustments as you go. I have watched many people wait and wait for the perfect time to join an opportunity and they end up waiting to long and they missed the boat. So a great piece of advice from  me is to do your research and get moving, do not go and join a program or start a business without doing your research. But after jump in feet first and get moving towards your goal and you will make mistakes, we all do. But those mistakes will help you learn and grow in a whole new way that is better than any kind of waiting and hoping to learn something.

 There are so many times that I waited for circumstances to change and I missed an opportunity and was upset with  myself after that. I learned that you will fall down but get back up and get back in the race, the bumps and bruises that you accumulate along your journey will tech you so much and you will be so much better off. And believe me you will be farther than the person that is waiting on the sidelines for the right time to get in the game.

  So get up and get started and go after your dreams and you will be so much happier. As I will always say I am here to help you in anyway that I can and show you how I have done it and the path for anyone to follow to get to where you want to be. MAKE IT A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

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