Friday, February 13, 2015

FRIDAY THE 13th.......

   OOOHH A SPOOKY DAY! Yeah I actually had some people tell me today that they do not make business decisions on this day because it is not a good omen, YEAH "check please" I have to go. It is funny how many different excuses I have heard when introducing someone to a new opportunity and offering them a way to change their life and improve their situation.  I mean there are a few that are actually LEGIT I guess, (Sarcasm). When it really is just fear of change that keeps people from making a decision. Some of my favorite-
 "I need to sleep on it and see what comes to me in my dreams"
"I have a physic I consult with"
 "I do not know what I would do with all that extra money"
"When you get rich I will join"
"Someone I used to know tried something like that before"
" I don't like to talk to people"
"I don't want to sell anything"
"I only have 10 more years till I retire at work, don't want to start something new"
"I don't get involved in PYRAMIDS!"
"If these products were so good they would not need distributors"
"I don't have any free time"
"I don't want to bug friends and family"
"My wife/husband would not approve of me changing my lifestyle"
"I actually believe in working hard for my money"
"I don't have the right connections"
"I don't have the skills"
"I would be embarrassed if I failed"
     Yeah I could go on and on these are just some that came right to mind. It seems like the same look when I am given an excuse, that look that says " I am scared to say NO so let me make something up so I do not look stupid. I understand that change is scary and can really make some people panic, but if you agreed to meet with me because you had said you wanted more out of life and I was going to show you a way to get it then be honest with me and just tell me that you are scared. I can deal with that and show you how to overcome your fear and deal with the resistance from you, your wife, your husband, mom, dad, friend or co worker.
      Some people are so worried about what friends or family will tell them, to never try anything different and stay stuck in the same routine and not progress further in life. Believe me I have been there and let people around me influence my decisions in the wrong way and realized rather quickly that is not the way to be. Think about it , I worked as a waiter in many different restaurants and ran into such a variety of people from all backgrounds. There were people that I talked to that were open minded  and wanted more out of life and waiting tables was a brief stop on the way to their destination, they had an end game in mind. Than there were the people that just could not see the bigger picture, oh yeah I heard it from all kinds of people. "That will not work". Okay fine you think that will not work but here you are at 50 years old waiting tables and complaining every single night that you do not make enough tips or that you do not have enough free time. Let me think about that for a minute. Why would I want to take advice from someone that is where I DO NOT WANT TO BE! Believe me I am not knocking waiting tables, I know plenty of people that have raised families doing that and have many friends in the business. I am using an example from my life that shows how some people become trapped in their surroundings and dragged down by people around them.This applies to anyone that is in a situation that they do not want to be in and search for advice.
 If you start a new job loading trucks in a warehouse and the people you work with have been there for a long time and are content with their role in the company, but you have greater aspirations and want to advance in the company. Who do you seek advice from? The people loading trucks with you? Or someone who is in a position you want to be in? A manager, a supervisor? I think you get the idea, do not let people around you influence your decisions in such a way that your life  is not where you want it to be. I mean listen to what they have to say but know that in order for you to grow you have to step outside your comfort zone and seek the opinion of people that are where you want to be or heading in that direction. MAKE IT A GREAT DAY!

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