Thursday, April 2, 2015


I am not going to be posting here anymore, I am focused on my main website and that is where I am focusing all my energy. PLEASE feel free to check out my page and support me. THANKS SO MUCH! 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Date day with my baby...

 Well things have been so crazy that my baby and I decided to have a date day today because it will be another busy weekend for me. I gave my word that I would work this weekend at the warehouse job so I will be working the next three days for 12 hours a day. And after that I will have to see what happens, I do not think I need to spend anymore time there. I have met so many people because I will talk to anyone and have made some valuable contacts already. Because of my work ethic and the manager of the warehouse and the supervisor seeing how I work and interact with the other employee's they came up to me and asked me what my story was. They said it was obvious that I knew what was going on and handled every job they gave me with ease and was trained in many different positions in a short period of time. They talked to me about a lead position that was open and that there would be a supervisor position that would be open soon and we discussed money and I explained my situation and they were quite surprised that I told them I would not be there long and what my plan was. After we walked away  from the conversation the one supervisor approached me and asked if I had a business card and he contacted me on the next day off. That is my plan ,to make as many contacts as possible and build relationships.

 Well our date day was FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE SPENDING TIME WITH MY BABY!!!!!!!!!!! We went to Red Lobster  for lunch one of her favorite spots and when she is craving those cheesy biscuits there is no way I am saying no. Believe me there are other places I like better to get some good sea food in this town and when we go there she gets the fire grilled chicken, it is all about those biscuits. We had a good lunch and always have fun together when we go out and laugh and joke so much that people are looking at us and I love it. After lunch we went to see Fifty Shades Of Grey, now I am not a hater of this movie at all but after all the hype I heard about this book and how incredible they were I really though the movie would be much better. I was not impressed, I mean it started very slow and for me there was not enough character development and when it came to the sex scenes ( which I heard that in the book they were so incredibly INTENSE). The sex scenes were kind of slow and not as passionate as I thought they would be, it was no 91/2 weeks. I did not feel that they had built that connection to express that to me through the screen. So we had to go pick up some subs from a fundraiser that my honey had bought and we stopped to get them and she told her friend we went to see the movie and she said that she has to read the books, so she let her use all three of them. So my baby asked me to read them with her and I agreed, after all this hype I will have to see what it was all about because the movie definitely did not live up to the hype. Oh yeah THANK YOU LAKOYA! We will both be reading the books now and I will be able to see what everyone was talking about and give my honest opinion.

  Tonight will be an early night for me since I will be up at 4am and off to work the whole day. I have some work to do on my website and send out some e-mails, I will also be doing some work on the e-book that I am putting together to show everyone the easiest to earn a second income and grow that into a sizable pay day so they are able to leave there JOBS behind and have complete freedom. So I will say GOOD NIGHT for today and get to work on that stuff and then get some sleep. SO MAKE IT A GREAT NIGHT!


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

So now that you have a BRAND...

  Alright now that you have your BRAND established and you are building content and connecting with groups and people with similar interest's you are now becoming well known in those circles and will be able to reach a larger audience. now you will have a platform to promote yourself or product in a much larger way. It is very important to remain consistent and maintain your reputation because this can be easily ruined. I was working with someone that was doing well with building her BRAND and reaching a level of success and had a wild night out and posted pictures to Facebook that showed her in a less than positive light. And people started to distance themselves and she lost followers and her reputation as someone to work with in that area was ruined. I am not saying do not have fun, just be careful of the image that you want to project and what you need to do to protect that. You need to be aware of what you are posting and what type of message it sends, we have all seen a simple tweet or photo posted to the Internet that has caused so much damage to a person's reputation. So be careful to protect the reputation that you build and guard it because it is so fragile. But more important than your reputation is CHARACTER, as long as you have strong character and protect that first and foremost your good reputation will follow.

 Some of my favorite qoutes on this-

   "It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it."-
Benjamin Franklin

"A good reputation is more valuable than money."
Publilius Syrus

"A single lie destroys a whole reputation of integrity".
Baltasar Gracian

"The most important thing for a young man is to establish a credit... a reputation, character."
John D. Rockefeller

"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are."
John Wooden

 Here is a great post from-  I enjoyed this so much I wanted to share it. 

"People strive, throughout life, to build strong personal characters, traits that reflect their purpose, passions, and values. Yet, as people who would like to build a strong character, we find it difficult. The difficulty lies in our resistance to the very circumstances that would lead us to grow.

This article will provide insights into the following questions: How does character differ from conduct? How does personal character lead to the growth of spiritual character? Why is a strong character important? How can we build a strong and lasting character that will have a positive influence on the lives of others as well as our own life?

How does character differ from conduct?

Simply stated, character lies within us, and conduct is action reflecting our inner qualities and level of development. Consider the following quotes by theologian E.M. Bounds:

"Conduct is what we do; character is what we are.

Conduct is the outward life; character is the life unseen, hidden within, yet evidenced by that which is seen.

Conduct is external, seen from without; character is internal--operating within.

Character is the state of the heart; conduct is its outward expression.

Character is the root of the tree; conduct is the fruit it bears."

How does personal character lead to the growth of spiritual character?

Character, as we usually think of it, is a temporary collection of personality traits that we develop during our time on earth. We build character with each choice, and it reflects our deepest values through our actions. Our personality, with all of its brain-stored character traits will end when our physical life is completed.

At the spiritual level, we have a much broader character that can also grow; and, unlike the character of human personality, it can continue to grow stronger eternally. It is by handling the challenges of life in ways that make character strong, that we also grow
stronger spiritually.

Why is a strong character important?

A strong character in daily life is a positive influence upon others. However, our character also influences our own lives, often unseen, moment by moment, for our inner state determines our actions, attitudes, and ultimate growth.

Emerson once wrote, "The force of character is cumulative." He was referring not only to the influence of character upon others, but of the expansion created in one's own spirit—in that "state of the heart" that E. M. Bounds mentioned. The development of personal character allows for the development of spiritual character. Our spiritual character can also become a lasting character if we accept the invitation to learn.

How can we build a strong and lasting character?

Here are ten examples of actions that build a strong and lasting character...

1. Practice patience when those around you are hurried.

2. Act with faith and diligence when others show mistrust or lack of commitment.

3. Be gentle when you meet with cruelty and harsh temperament.

4. Be courteous, even when others do not show courtesy.

5. Give generously to those who have nothing to give.

6. Communicate peace to those who are saddened or anxious.

7. Express gratitude for every experience and person you have known.

8. Act with self-control when dealing with those who are out of control.

9. Be encouraging to those who are discouraged.

10. Act with self-discipline, even when it is difficult to take correct actions.

This list could continue. The necessary actions will be different for each individual and will present some very important feedback for his or her inner work.

These actions may often seem very difficult. Their level of difficulty for each of us is a reflection—for our benefit—of our inner level of character development. The situations in which these actions are called for are those situations we must experience as continuing changes and challenges designed to teach us about ourselves. They invite us to begin to develop traits such as patience, faith, generosity, gratitude, and self-control. As we begin to allow these qualities to unfold within the heart, our conduct will naturally reflect outwardly those inner qualities.

All life experiences invite us to grow in spirit. In each circumstance, God's will is working to teach us about the ultimate state of love from which he created us to be unique individuals. May you experience the peace and love in His gift of a strong and lasting character."
Posted from-

  So focus on your Character and the reputation follows. MAKE IT A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 2, 2015

How I built my foundation...

 Once I had my game plan in place I had to come up with my play book on what I would use to get to my goals.Now I was flat broke when I first started out, living paycheck to paycheck and I grew tired of never being able to get ahead. When I started looking for a way out I found many opportunities but they all required start up capital that I did not have a t that time. So I had to find other ways to raise the money to get something started because there was not enough leftover from my paychecks. I searched all over and tried   many different things and FAILED way more than I succeeded, but I learned many valuable lessons from all those failures.

   If you read my BLOG on my website at   you will see that I was at rock bottom and built myself up and made poor choices  and lost it all and had to start all over from the beginning. So I will show you the methods that I used to get to where I am at and anyone can do it if I can. I can give you all the instructions and show you where to go but I cannot give you DESIRE! You have to have that burning desire inside you to want to change and make things better and enjoy a much better lifestyle. Well let's get to it: as I said yesterday the FIRST thing to do is set up your GAME PLAN, write out your goals so you know where you are headed. Now what you want to do is come up with a BRAND, and there are so many reasons you want to do this and it will pay off in the biggest way. When I first started out I did not have a BRAND and was not getting the results I wanted and did some research and realized what I was lacking. For example my brand is ROBOACE- it was a nickname that was given to me because no one could pronounce my last name and was altered a little.

 With that being said you DO NOT need to form a BRAND to be successful, some people do not want to promote themselves and just want to make money. That is fine and I will show you how to make money without a brand later. I am simply showing you what I learned and what has worked BEST for me.  

  I took this and ran with it and it pays off for me in many different areas. I attach this to everything I do in all areas of my life(Will get more in detail on this later). My BRAND is part of my name and people associate it with me and recognize me to that name. So come up with something that people can associate that brand to you, when you see an Apple with a bite out of it you instantly know the BRAND or the Golden Arches that make you hungry. Those are two of the most recognizable brands on the planet and they continue to make sure you know  that.  So focus on what you are trying to convey with you BRAND and the message you want to get across. If you are a fantastic cake maker and you want to start selling cakes you would want to use that, like BOB THE BAKER and build from there.

  You want people to think about you and what you do when they hear your name or see your logo and know what it stands for.So think about what you want to convey and work on a name from there, ask friends and family for help. They will be honest with you and help you come up with something solid. Once you have that established you want to start securing all the social media and links in that name you can, HAVE A BACKUP NAME!!!!!!!!!!! I did not get the first name I wanted because it was taken in a few spots so I went with my second choice.

 I am going to use MY in formation for the examples, be sure to set up your accounts using your information.
   1. Sign up for an email account using your name-
    I highly recommend Gmail with Google because this all ties everything else together, Youtube and Blogger.
  2.Sign up for Youtube-
  3.Sign up for Twitter-
  4.Start a Fan page on Facebook-
  5.Sign up for Instagram-
  6.Sign up for a Pinterest-
  7.Sign up for a Tumblr-
  8.Sign up for a LinkedIN-
  9.Sign up for a Blogger through Google-
      This is a free service and is very easy to use.
   I know that was a lot of work but it will be well worth it when you are ready to start selling or promoting your product or yourself. So now that you have all that locked in what you want to start doing now is building CONTENT! You want to focus on getting as much content as possible, now this does not mean flood each page with all kinds of useless stuff. If you workout a lot and you want to promote a workout program that you will be selling, you want to take pictures of you working out and eating healthy and showing that you enjoy and know about that lifestyle. Now you may not use all of the platforms right now that you signed up for but it is a great idea to get them all locked in, I did not use my Youtube channel before and have no personal videos on my page as of today. But moving forward I will be doing a lot of videos in different areas and I have that name associated with my brand locked in.

   I am sure you can see and understand the value in forming a BRAND and having that brand name locked in with all that you do. A fantastic example of how this all works is that you use your Blogger to start writing about what is it that you do and tell your story, you post some pictures that link to your Pinterest, Instagram or Facebook and people start to connect with you and you start building a fan base. You communicate with people that are interested in similar things and become known in that field and they start to look to you for advice and you are able to help them. This is just one example, there are so many different options and my goal is to get you thinking about what you want to do and get you MOTIVATED TO DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 MAKE IT A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Sunday, March 1, 2015

Start with a gameplan...

   The first thing you need to do is sit down and come up with your GAME PLAN, what is it that you want to accomplish? You cannot simply say "I WANT TO MAKE A MILLION DOLLARS" and expect it to happen. That is great that you want to make a million dollars, but what are you going to do to get there,what tools do you have to help you make that money, who can you go to for advice,how long do you have to make your million dollars, what will you do daily to get you closer to your goal? Having a game plan is important because it will tell you what you need to be doing to reach your goals.

And it will greatly reduce the time it takes you to hit your target because you can see what steps to take and know that you need to stay on track. So sit down and WRITE OUT YOUR GOALS! I will say it again WRITE DOWN YOUR GOALS! Yes this is very important because when you write them down you are able to see what you are reaching for and will focus more on achieving it . For example-I want to make a MILLION DOLLARS, I will give myself 18 months from today to achieve that goal and today's date is March 12th 2015. Now you have a target to shoot for and keep the days on the calendar numbered in reverse so each day you see that another day has gone by and you are in countdown mode.

Whatever your course of action to achieve the million dollars is make sure you have a daily task planner that keeps you focused on what it is that you need to do. For example- You are a real estate agent and you need to sell 30 properties in the next 18 months to reach your million dollar mark and you know that you can sell a property if you show it at least 25 times. So you need to make sure you show each property 25 times and continue to get listings until you reach 30 properties. And you know that when you place 40 phone calls you will get at least one listing, so you need to make sure you make enough calls to get those listings and you should be focused on that. You can apply this to anything that you are doing, you have to put in the work to get the results they will not just happen. I have found that if I sit and talk to 20 people about one of my business opportunities I will get 2 or 3 DEFINITE YES'S out of that bunch. So in order for me to grow my business like I want to I know I need to talk to 100 people to get the numbers I want. So in order for me to achieve this goal I will talk to everyone I see and ask everyone I talk to for referrals and this has worked out for me. Once you have your game plan in place you can work on what steps you need to take to reach your goals and adjust it as you go.

There are always things you can do to tweak the plays you are running if you are not getting the results you want. It is just like a football coach that is calling running plays and the linebackers are shutting them down and he notices a weakness in the secondary so they start throwing the ball and get the results they want. I have had to adjust my gameplan many times and it has happened on the fly most of the time because I go in thinking THIS IS IT! This will work and you get in the game and you are like "What is going on " I am not getting the results I want and you have to switch up and try something different. That is why you need a back up plan and a back for the back up plan to make sure that you are fully prepared for whatever may come at you and can adjust to whatever is thrown at you. When you get knocked down get back up and get back in there and call another play, because believe me you will get knocked down. GET UP AND GET BACK IN THERE!!!!!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Getting started on the path to making serious money...

OKAY! Let's start talking about making serious money, I am going to show you how to make $5,000,000 this week and you do not have to do any work for it You just sign up with me and send me money and it will happen. How about NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been lured into my share of get rich quick schemes and have learned many valuable lessons over the years. For all of you that have ever been involved in any type of get rich quick plan I will tell you that I know your pain. I purchased Carlton Sheets get rich off of real estate now, Don Lapre's 900 number goldmine, been involved in so many different marketing companies pushing everything from vitamins to magical energy potions, home care products, Internet service, classified ad's. I could go on and on with a much longer list because I was always looking for the next big thing and fast way to make cash. I could kick myself for not doing better research back then and finding a solid company and building from there. I signed up with companies that were closed down 1 month later and I had lost my money and was on to the next one. With all the trials and errors over the years the real world became my classroom and the men and woman that I got involved with my teachers. 

Now some of them taught me good things to do and practices to follow to help ensure success and others showed me what NOT TO DO and how to completely destroy your own business and have everyone around you not want to work with you. So they were valuable lessons learned from both sides and it has made me that much better off then if I had not experienced all of that. I will say that some of those lessons were not only financially painful, but embarrassing because I had tried to bring friends and family along with me on THE NEXT BIG THING! And those that joined were upset and disappointed when things failed and those that did not join were sitting there saying I TOLD YOU SO!!!!! That is one phrase that I got so tired of hearing and it drove me to work even harder. After all the years of trial and error I can usually tell right away if the company that someone is presenting to me is something that I would want to get involved in. 

And I am always looking for new projects that I can fit into my schedule that I feel will be a good fit for me and be worth my time and effort to make some more money. When I look at an opportunity I look at three key things 1. Can I see myself doing this? 2.Do I believe in the product or service? 3.Will I make money?. Of course, there are many more questions to ask when looking at an opportunity, but those three are the ones I use to see if I want to pursue it any further . Once I make a decision to move forward with a company I do lots of research and the very first thing I do is Google the company and the name of the person that sent me the information. There has been times that I was sent a link to an opportunity and thought it sounded good and asked myself the first three questions and searched for information to find out that the company is being shut down and the CEO of the company is being indicted for fraud. After that I will ask around to friends or family that I know may have been involved with that business. I will also reach out to the groups that I am connected with and highly recommend joining groups that are associated with what you want to do. I am into MLM so I join Multi Level Marketing groups and work from home opportunity groups. Join similar groups that share your interest and pool them for information, this is a great resource. So please make sure you do your research before dropping your money down and getting involved in anything.

Friday, February 27, 2015

More work on my website...

  Today was another day spent working on my website and making a bunch of phone calls to new business prospects and with this weather I am glad to do that from home in some sweat pants and slippers .It does take discipline to work from home and most people that I have talked to that do work from home will say that having that DISCIPLINE to sit there and get the work done. With all the distractions that you have in the home, computer and all the distractions involved with getting on the computer. Social media sites are one of the biggest time suckers and if you do not have a boss or Co workers around you to see what you are doing some people tend to stray from the program a little. I enjoy playing some Xbox One and that can definitely drain some serious time from your day and get away from you rather quickly.

 One of the biggest things that I do is plan my day out and use a daily action planner to make sure I get everything accomplished. This planner breaks my day down by the hour and lets me know what I need to be doing and when it has to be done. I also have no problem making sure that I make my money before I take a break and watch one of my shows or play a game. If you set up strict guidelines and stick to them and know that in order to get things done, you have to follow your game plan or you will quickly find out how fast the time gets away from you. Believe me it has happened to me before where I will say alright before I get started for the day I am going to watch ONE episode of The Walking Dead and three or four episodes later I am like SHIT!!! it is hours later and I am behind and you have to hustle harder to try and make up for all that time and it just makes me more frustrated trying to get caught up. So what I do is start the day right away like I am going to the office, I wake up and take a shower and get dressed. Yes sometimes I am in sweatpants a t-shirt and slippers, but not the same clothes I wore to bed. I need to get up and shower and change and that makes me feel like I am ready to start my day.

 There are other things I do to make sure the environment in my home office is going to make for a productive day. Little things like making sure the printer is on the other side of the room so I have to get up and move a little when I print something. I also have music on that is going to keep me pumped up and moving or motivational speeches that I have downloaded. I have been to a few people's homes where they have their office set up and I was blown away at how they were set up. There was one that was set up in a room that had tanks and cages with his pets in them, spiders,snakes and lizards and he would take constant breaks to feed them or play with them or just sit and watch them. I would meet with him on Monday and we were working together on a project that we should have had done by that Friday, so I go back to meet with him and there was about 2 hours worth of work done for the whole week and quickly found out that the animals were consuming his time. That was the first and last time that we worked together because of his failure to get things done. I also met with someone else that loved to cook and had a small desk off to one side of the kitchen and would take breaks to make lunch and it would turn into a whole cooking adventure and would not get all the stuff done that he was supposed to and we did not work together for long either.

It is great to have hobbies and passion about something, but you need to separate them from your work. You need to treat it like you are getting up and going to earn your paycheck, you would not start playing with snakes and spiders in the middle of your work day at the office would you? Well, you could but how long would you work there after that ? yeah not long, HAHA. You need to find out what works for you and what does not work for you it is different for everybody I only know what works for me. MAKE IT A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Working on my website...

Today I spent the day working on one of my BIG projects right now and that is my personal website. I am putting a blog on there that goes into all the detail about my life that I am not allowed to get into on this blog because of the restrictions and I understand that so I have MY STORY on my website, so check it out.      I also have a mix of things on the page like funny stuff I find, motivational pictures and quotes,a link to my business opportunities, it is a little bit of everything.

 I never knew how much work would go into getting the page all set up and running, moving widgets around and uploading photos and changing it all around when you find a better theme. Yeah it has been very long days and lots of learning about the different ways to manipulate Word Press  and get it set up the way that I like it, I will probably go change something after I am done here. That is one of my flaws, I am a perfectionist and will spend to much time trying to make sure it is perfect and that can consume you. It was a much bigger problem in the past and I have been working on it and making sure that I continue to tell myself that IT WILL NEVER BE PERFECT!

 Many of us wait for the perfect circumstances or wait until the think things will be perfect and so much time is spent WAITING, get off your ass and get in the game. I have done more learning and correcting things on the fly versus sitting and waiting for the situation to be perfect. Even if you feel the settings are not where you want them to be just get moving and you can make adjustments as you go. I have watched many people wait and wait for the perfect time to join an opportunity and they end up waiting to long and they missed the boat. So a great piece of advice from  me is to do your research and get moving, do not go and join a program or start a business without doing your research. But after jump in feet first and get moving towards your goal and you will make mistakes, we all do. But those mistakes will help you learn and grow in a whole new way that is better than any kind of waiting and hoping to learn something.

 There are so many times that I waited for circumstances to change and I missed an opportunity and was upset with  myself after that. I learned that you will fall down but get back up and get back in the race, the bumps and bruises that you accumulate along your journey will tech you so much and you will be so much better off. And believe me you will be farther than the person that is waiting on the sidelines for the right time to get in the game.

  So get up and get started and go after your dreams and you will be so much happier. As I will always say I am here to help you in anyway that I can and show you how I have done it and the path for anyone to follow to get to where you want to be. MAKE IT A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Making new connections...

 Today I focused on making new connections ad this is important if you want your business to continue to grow. I am constantly trying to meet new people and looking for people who are interested in doing something different with their lives.I will talk to anyone and everyone I don't care if you are the janitor or the CEO of the company I will respect you and give you my time and attention. There are people that will look at some people and put them into a box and say something like "They do not look like they would be interested in what I am doing" . I cannot stand that philosophy, how do you know what they are going through and you are judging them just by how they look. I have talked to people that are pumping my gas and have turned out to be huge assets to me and helped me grow my business so my advice is to talk to EVERYBODY!  Also the quicker you get all the NO'S out of the way you are on your way to the YES'S!

  It is so hard for some people that I work with to go up and talk to a stranger or even talk to their own family and friends about what they are doing. This is seriously terrifying to many people and a huge problem in moving forward at work or in personal business ventures. I used to be very shy and had to work on overcoming that and some people might say now that I am to outgoing, HaHa. There are many different ways to work on this and continue to grow and get better at approaching people and speaking in public . I recommend this article as well it has solid advice and works-

   Until you are better at speaking to people in public there are other ways to make new connections and the way social media is set up now you really never would have to meet anyone in person if you did not want to. I feel it builds a stronger bond and a more personal touch when you meet in person, now I do have people  work with in my network that I have not met in person YET! They live in other states or countries and we have not had the chance to meet in person yet but we have developed a solid working and personal relationship  through email,social media and phone calls. Just to hear someones voice builds a better connection than reading emails or messages from Facebook. I reach out to people all the time just to check in and let them know I am here, even if they do not pick I leave a quick message. It is an easy thing to do and does not take long to let people know you care and are a real person.

  Earlier today I met with my girlfriend's best friend and explained to her what I do and showed her how easy it is to set up her own programs and start making an extra income. We met for over an hour and she was taking notes and I think I talked for an hour straight, I had said before I  tend to ramble.
 Especially when it is something I am passionate about I can go on and ON AND ON, there is no off button. She was taking notes and I had to slow down a little so she could catch up and get all the notes that she wanted. That is what I love to do and a few months from now when she is doing her own thing and has built a successful base and thanks me that puts the BIGGEST smile on my face. I just enjoy watching someone take the information that I share and using that to build what they want. That is a great joy to see someone build something from the bricks that you gave them and watch their life change directions  and gain financial freedom and be able to do whatever they want.

 For me helping someone else realize the potential that they have inside them that is going unused  and they can channel that into building their dreams, is just pure pleasure for me. I think most people would love to be able to help people if they could and feel great about it. So I encourage you to help someone else improve the quality of their life, I mean invest some time in another person and help them grow. You may have skills that you can teach or a business that you feel would really help someone so reach out to them. MAKE IT A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Thinking of the beach...

  Today I spent a large part of my day working on many different things working from home and thinking about how much I miss the beach. I have had it with this cold weather and the snow I am so over it. I have to convince my girlfriend to move to California and get away from this crazy weather. I think once we get there she will get used to it real quick and want to stay, so I am am working on a plan to get her out there to visit. Her brother is here visiting from Puerto Rico and he said the other day that this weather is ABUSE, he does not know how we deal with it. And that stuck in my head and  I feel he is right it is like abuse when you walk outside and the wind is so harsh that it feels like it is slicing your face off when it blows and tears up your eyes and steals your breath. I no longer want to endure these Pennsylvania winters and want to head to the west coast and enjoy the weather all year round.

 Do not get me wrong I do like to ski,snowboard and take the kids sledding or tubing and it brings back great memories from childhood when I did all that.I have many fond memories of sledding for hours and not wanting to come in from the cold even though I was turning blue, I think many of us did not want to come inside when we were told and now I take a second to think if I really need to make that trip to the store now or can it wait because I do not want to go outside in this.But I want to be able to go do that and have fun and leave when we are done and not have to get up and shovel the sidewalk or scrape ice off the car, you know what I mean. This entire month has been a very cold one and we are nearing the end of February so I should not have to endure the cold weather here much longer.

 So I will start working in my plan to get my love out to California and showing her all the great things the state has to offer. She loves to shop so I think the malls alone will do it for her and the fact that she can wear cut little sundresses and shorts all year long, yeah I will get her out there. My Son and I took a trip out two summers ago to attend a music festival and it was his first time out there and he did not want to come back. We stayed in  Mountain View, California to be close to the  Shoreline Amphitheatre where the concert was. We had a blast and there were 69 different acts at the event and we got to see so many of them.
 There were classic acts from when I was growing up and some new school stuff so it was a great show for a mix of people. My Son and I commented how we were at such a large event with tens of thousands of people both days and did not see one single fight and there was tons of drinking , it may have had something to do with marijuana being legal and smoked freely at the show. I want to think it is just the California vibe and people are a lot more laid back and not so uptight. We were taking a little break to charge our phones at one of the charging stations they had place all over and my Son made a comment about some guys garlic fries, he said "WOW they smell great" and the guy said" here man have some I cannot eat all these" and that is something we were not used to and that was the vibe the entire time we were there, whether it was waiting in line to get in and people were offering us drinks they had in their cooler or fries. It is just so laid back and we loved and talk about going back all the time and we will be going back.
Me an Lil Robo in front of  AT&T Park

The street right near Little Italy in San Fransisco

Me and Robert in front of  Barry Bonds plaque at the stadium
Robert and Optimus Prime
Chinatown, San Francisco

The Bay bridge in San Francisco
A shot near the pier in San Francisco

Robert near the Bay bridge in San Francisco

Some seals getting some sun down at the docks in San Francisco

Lombard Street

Pier 39, great area

A huge bow and arrow near the Bay bridge

The FULL HOUSE house in San Francisco
Trolley ride

Fisherman's wharf

This was on a playground in San Fransisco, if you know this game let me know.

San Francisco

Fillmore st.


Robert on Lombard St.

Tony chilling down by the pier

Crowd at the opening of Rock the bells, Tony is in the Kung Fu hat

Lil Robo and Tony

Me and Robert

Me and Tony

Me and Krayzie Bone

Robert and Krayzie Bone

The Hip Hop stage at Rock The Bells

Guerilla Union stage

Rock The Bells


Young Dirty Bastard

Robert hanging out
Young Dirty Bastard and Robert

Me and Young Dirty Bastard

Some baby clothes

Tech N9ne


Deltron 3030

YG on the Guerilla Union stage

Freddie Gibbs

Tech N9ne and Krizz Kaliko

Tommy Lister AKA- Debbo from Friday

E-40 and TOO SHORT

Packed house

Random graffiti from the train
The place was jam packed
The Monster truck was giving out free energy drinks
Me caught off guard
Dilated Peoples
Young Dirty Bastard
More Graffiti
Sign from the Cal train
My girl
Robert relaxing on Lombard st.
Robert and Me, Alcatraz Island in the far back

Robert in the America's Cup.


Me in the America's Cup

Tony is a G

Tony and Robert in front of a trailer made from skate decks

Robert at the entrance to Chinatown

Me at the entrance to Chinatown

Tony at the entrance to Chinatown

Sunset on Lombard St.

Trolley ride

We kept taking pictures with motorcycles because there were just so many

Tony posing with some bikes

Robert chilling with some homies

The Monster pick up in downtown San Francisco

America's cup

Me in front of that house

Alcatraz model

Me at the park across from FULL HOUSE

Tony chilling

San Francisco

Met a real nice lady

Tony in front of the FULL HOUSE house

Deebo and Me

 We had so much fun and got to see so much, we cannot wait to go back to the same area. You could spend a few days alone just down by the pier in San Francisco and not get bored. We walked from one end all the way down to the other and still did not get to see everything that we wanted to. I highly recommend a trip out there and take in all that you can you will not be disappointed. We have a list of other places we want to go and will be posting about those trips and telling you what we think. I always say how thankful I am for making the choice to take charge of my life and work for my self I also recommend that to EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will love the freedom to be able to do whatever you want and live life on YOUR own terms. I am here to help in ANYWAY I can, so decide what it is that you want and GO AFTER IT! MAKE IT A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!